Cashless Campus System:
For Education Segment
For Labour Camps
- Time and Attendance in Bus or School gate
- Canteen
- Library
- Stationary
- Uniform and accessories
- Door Access
- Discouraging the misuse of school lunch money through spending in shops outside of the school campus.
- Transaction history allows you to see Where,How,When...etc,your money is being spent.
- Reduce cash and cheque handling costs.
- Detailed audit trail for accountability.
- Effective Management.
- A powerful Cafeteria Management tool.
- Avoid Students going to other Cafeterias.
- Faster transactions and Queuing times are reduced through increase speed of services.
- With the Student’s Information System
- With the School Parent Portal
- Daily/Weekly/Yearly consumption of students
- Calorie calculations of each student
- Collection at each department including the canteen and uniform/stationary outlets
Labour Meal Management System
Many organisations provide meals to their employees depending on the nature of work. Most often the finance team and the management needs to get an updates status on the number of meals consumed at each site.
With LMMS we can not only guarantee the meal consumption per employee but also help in taking advantage of the technology to ensure the attendance of the employee as well using a single smartcard.
Advantages to the Management
Monitoring of the number of meals consumed
Keep a tab on the inventory of the food item
Integration with the Time and Attendance System at site locations
Meal consumption per employee; weekly, monthly
Meal Consumption location-wise for cost calculation
Meal consumption per employee with further drill down detailing the breakfast, lunch and dinner
Web based application so as to cater to the multi-site requirements
Employee verification using the photo display on the POS or tablet to avoid misuse